Traffic report All the world's a stage, we are merely players... 2025-03-22
The Oscars, politics, and death elbow for the most attention.
Traffic report Temporary scars, February stars 2025-02-27
Grammys, politics and the Super Bowl.
Traffic report A wild drive 2025-02-07
The start of the year was filled with a few unfortunate losses, tragic disasters, emerging tech forces and A LOT of politics.
Traffic report The most viewed articles of 2024 2025-01-15
A lot of psephology!
Serendipity What we've left behind, and where we want to go next 2025-01-15
The Signpost staff on achievements of '24 and hopes for '25.
Traffic report Was a long and dark December 2024-12-24
Wicked war, martial law, killing, death and an Indian movie with a new chess champ!
Traffic report Twisted tricks or tempting treats? 2024-11-06
And Tata too!
Traffic report A scream breaks the still of the night 2024-10-19
Help me make it through the night!
Traffic report Jump in the line, rock your body in time 2024-09-26
Band reunions and Beetlejuice!
Traffic report After the gold rush 2024-09-04
The Olympics (yay!) and the American election (oh no).
Traffic report Talking about you and me, and the games people play 2024-07-04
Elections, movies, sports.
Traffic report Chimps, Eurovision, and the return of the Baby Reindeer 2024-06-08
Movies, deaths, elections (but no cricket).
Traffic report Crawl out through the fallout, baby 2024-05-16
With cricket and some cute baby reindeer!
Traffic report O.J., cricket and a three body problem 2024-04-25
Plus Godzilla meets Francis Scott Key!
Traffic report Supervalentinefilmbowlday 2024-03-02
If you say it loud enough the views will come your way!
Traffic report Griselda, Nikki, Carl, Jannik and two types of football 2024-02-13
Plus films, Grammys and a rumble!
Traffic report DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down 2024-01-31
Job changes, death, sex, murder, suicide and a vacation!
Traffic report The most viewed articles of 2023 2024-01-10
Around the world in 365 days (with many stops in India).
Traffic report And it's hard to watch some cricket, in the cold November Rain 2023-12-04
If you don't fancy the sport that occupies over 25% of the slots in these lists, there's always movies, celebrities, and political follies to fall back on – or an unusual fired-for-the-weekend CEO.
Traffic report If it bleeds, it leads 2023-11-20
Or if it's Indian sport or cinema.
Traffic report Cricket jumpscare 2023-11-06
Plus Kollywood, Killers of the Flower Moon, and ongoing war.
Traffic report The calm and the storm 2023-10-23
They are still fighting.
Traffic report There shall be no slaves in the land of lands, it's a Bollywood jam 2023-10-03
Taylor Swift with an NFL tight end and Lauren Boebert with a Democrat?
Traffic report Some of it's magic, some of it's tragic 2023-09-16
Sports, film and singers. We've got it all!
Traffic report Raise your drinking glass, here's to yesterday 2023-08-31
I just poured HOT GRITS down my pants ohh yeah
Traffic report Come on in, and pull yourself up a chair 2023-08-15
Barbenheimer, Pee-Wee Herman, and the World Cup.
Traffic report Come on Oppie, let's go party 2023-08-01
Oppenheimer, Barbie, and a couple other scandals
Traffic report The Idol becomes the Master 2023-07-17
Sex, drugs and violence, English, math and science
Traffic report Are you afraid of spiders? Arnold? The Idol? ChatGPT? 2023-07-03
Don't worry, they are mostly harmless.
Traffic report Celebs, controversies and a chatbot in the public eye 2023-06-05
Plus mortalities, and movies about mermaids.
Traffic report Coronation, chatbot, celebs 2023-05-22
Celebs and Bollywood film dominated reader interest, as usual, but with a new persistent presence on the lists of a certain A.I.
Traffic report Long live machine, the future supreme 2023-04-26
Wrestling bumps world-changing technology from the #1 spot, imagine that.
Traffic report Who died? Who won? Who lost? 2023-03-20
All the pop culture that's fit to print, with a sprinkling of cocaine (bear).
Traffic report Films, deaths and ChatGPT 2023-02-04
Can we have a chat?
Traffic report The most viewed articles of 2022 2023-01-16
War, sports, and all types of chaos.
Traffic report Musical deaths, murders, Princess Di's nominative determinism, and sports 2022-11-28
The weeks and weeks, as reviewed by Wikipedia's readers.
Traffic report Mama, they're in love with a criminal 2022-10-31
More serial killers than you can shake a stick at!
Traffic report Kings and queens and VIPs 2022-09-30
Repeat after me: I solemnly swear not to put "oh my!" in a headline.
Traffic report What dreams (and heavily trafficked articles) may come 2022-08-31
Because there really is no real theme this month you can grab onto to give a catchy title.
Traffic report Top view counts for shows, movies, and celeb lawsuit that keeps on giving 2022-06-26
Plus editing stampedes for cheery subjects: shootings, deaths, and virus.
Traffic report Strange highs and strange lows 2022-05-29
Were Johnny and Amber exchanging blows?
Traffic report Justice Jackson, the Smiths, and an invasion 2022-04-24
Plus deaths, films, and the 2022 FIFA World Cup qualification.
Traffic report War, what is it good for? 2022-03-27
Ukraine, Russia and Anna Sorokin.
Traffic report Euphoria, Pamela Anderson, lies and Netflix 2022-02-27
Plus quarterbacks, half-timers, Olympians, and Hulu!
Traffic report The most viewed articles of 2021 2022-01-30
Royals, Freddy and movies.
Traffic report Spider-Man, football and the departed 2021-12-28
We'll always remember the Greek alphabet!
Traffic report James Bond and the Giant Squid Game 2021-10-31
Plus German elections and movies galore.
Traffic report Kanye, Emma Raducanu and 9/11 2021-09-26
Or is it Donda, Leylah Fernandez, and Flight 93?
Traffic report Olympics, movies, and Afghanistan 2021-08-29
Winners and losers.
Traffic report Football, tennis and marveling at Loki 2021-07-25
But you can call it soccer if you'd like.
Traffic report So no one told you life was gonna be this way 2021-06-27
We'll be there for you!
Traffic report The verdict is guilty, guilty, guilty 2021-04-25
Plus Godzilla and Kong
Traffic report Wanda, Meghan, Liz, Phil and Zack 2021-03-28
Another royal bash!
Traffic report Does it almost feel like you've been here before? 2021-02-28
Watching the Super Bowl at the Cecil?
Traffic report The most viewed articles of 2020 2021-01-31
The end of the world as we know it?
Traffic report 2020 wraps up 2020-12-28
Punks and heroes, losers and winners, the bereaved and the deceased – they're all here.
Traffic report 007 with Borat, the Queen, and an election 2020-11-29
Plus Alex Trebek and the Queen's Gambit.
Traffic report Jump back, what's that sound? 2020-11-01
Here comes the judge.
Traffic report Is there no justice? 2020-09-27
Perhaps on the tennis court.
Traffic report Heart, soul, umbrellas, and politics 2020-08-30
More politics than usual.
Traffic report Now for something completely different 2020-08-02
Death and Alexander Hamilton.
Traffic report The pandemic, alleged murder, a massacre, and other deaths 2020-06-28
Plus Rajput, Musk, Epstein, Maxwell, Owens and Anonymous
Traffic report Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam 2020-05-31
Time to bring on the Bulls.
Traffic report Disease the Rhythm of the Night 2020-04-26
I told you once and I told you twice, the virus spread because people didn't take advice.
Traffic report The only thing that matters in the world 2020-03-29
Going to movies and sport stadiums is history, and readers turn to Wikipedia for crucial medical information and updates.
Traffic report February articles, floating in the dark 2020-03-01
Kobe sets another record.
Traffic report The most viewed articles of 2019 2020-01-27
As only The Signpost can describe them.
Traffic report Queens and aliens, exactly alike, once upon a December 2019-12-27
We may have scrambled the headlines a bit.
Traffic report The queen and the princess meet the king and the joker 2019-11-29
Could this be the end of the Terminator?
Traffic report Varied and intriguing entries, less Luck, and some retreads 2019-09-30
Luck, Serena, Bianca, 9/11, bad films, mass murderers and other good stuff
Traffic report Once upon a time in Greenland with Boris and cornflakes 2019-08-30
And some summer flicks with the usual heroes and villains
Traffic report Juneteenth, Beauty Revealed, and more nuclear disasters 2019-06-30
But we won't mention Liverpool.
Traffic report Dark marvels, thrones, a vile serial killer biopic, that's entertainment! 2019-05-31
Who will be next to fill the throne at the top of the list?
Traffic report Death, royals and superheroes 2019-01-31
The most popular articles of 2018 include a cornucopia of superheroes (
Avengers ,
Black Panther ,
Aquaman , …), a gallery of the dearly departed (
Stephen Hawking ,
George W. Bush ,
Stan Lee , …), old and new members of the
British royal family , the
World Cup of
football , plus the perennial
millennials ,
Rocket Man , and
Tweeter-in-Chief returning from 2017.
Traffic report Queen dethroned by U.S. presidents 2018-12-24
The band relinquishes its first place hold; Aquaman is swimming into view for late December.
Traffic report Queen reigns for four weeks straight 2018-12-01
The "Queen" of stage and screen, that is. Is there another?
Traffic report John McCain's death generates over 7 million hits, followed by historical low 2018-10-01
Fourth highest view count of the year; lowest view count since 2014; death, sports, and movies ever constant.
Traffic report Soccer, football, call it what you like – that and summer movies leave room for little else 2018-07-31
Finding the mathematician and Supreme Court nominee in this list is like playing Where's Waldo? .
Traffic report Endgame 2018-06-29
Two celebrities hang themselves, and the FIFA World Cup is underway.
Traffic report Superheroes and actresses 2018-05-24
We love our superheroes: No surprises here as the summer movie season begins.
Traffic report TV, death, sports, and doodles 2018-02-05
The most popular articles for January 14 to 27
Traffic report The best and worst of 2017 2018-01-16
Citation not really needed.
Traffic report Fights and frights 2017-09-25
Boxing, hurricanes, clowns, and more!
Traffic report A fortnight of conflicts 2017-09-06
White supremacists v. anti-fascism groups, Mayweather v. McGregor, Moon v. Sun