Articles by: Tilman Bayer

Recent research What's known about how readers navigate Wikipedia; Italian Wikipedia hardest to read
Of "hunters", "busybodies" and "dancers".
Recent research GPT-4 writes better edit summaries than human Wikipedians
But an open language model is ready to help.
News and notes Let's talk!
The WMF executive team delivers a new update; plus, the latest EU policy report, good-bye to the German Wikipedia's Café, and other news from the Wikimedia world.
Recent research SPINACH: AI help for asking Wikidata "challenging real-world questions"
And other recent publications.
In the media Summons issued for Wikipedia editors by Indian court, "Gaza genocide" RfC close in news, old admin Gwern now big AI guy, and a "spectrum of reluctance" over Australian place names
Publisher versus intermediary, bias versus verifiability, and probing questions about Gwern's personal finances.
Recent research Simulated Wikipedia seen as less credible than ChatGPT and Alexa in experiment
And other new research findings
Recent research Is Wikipedia Politically Biased? Perhaps
And other new publications on systemic bias and other topics.
Recent research ChatGPT did not kill Wikipedia, but might have reduced its growth
And various research findings about Wikidata and knowledge graphs.
Recent research New survey of over 100,000 Wikipedia users
And other recent research publications
Recent research "Newcomer Homepage" feature mostly fails to boost new editors
And several papers look at climate change on Wikipedia
Recent research Images on Wikipedia "amplify gender bias"
And other new findings
Recent research Croatian takeover was enabled by "lack of bureaucratic openness and rules constraining [admins]"
And other new research publications.
Recent research "LLMs Know More, Hallucinate Less" with Wikidata
And other new research publications.
Recent research Canceling disputes as the real function of ArbCom
And other new research findings.
Recent research How English Wikipedia drove out fringe editors over two decades
And other new research findings.
Recent research The five barriers that impede "stitching" collaboration between Commons and Wikipedia
And other recent research publications.
Recent research Wikipedia-grounded chatbot "outperforms all baselines" on factual accuracy
And various other research on large language models and Wikipedia
News and notes Online Safety Bill: Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia UK launch open letter
... and a new Elections Committee
Recent research Hoaxers prefer currently-popular topics
And other new research findings
Recent research Create or curate, cooperate or compete? Game theory for Wikipedia editors
And other new research results.
Recent research Gender, race and notability in deletion discussions
And other new research publications.
Recent research Language bias: Wikipedia captures at least the "silhouette of the elephant", unlike ChatGPT
And a dataset of article revisions to provide a corpus for promotional content.
News and notes Sounding out, a universal code of conduct, and dealing with AI
Skynet believed to be in violation of the new Universal Code of Conduct.
Recent research Wikipedia's "moderate yet systematic" liberal citation bias
And other new research publications.
Technology report Wikimedia Foundation's Abstract Wikipedia project "at substantial risk of failure"
Wikifunctions might drag it down.
Recent research Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement in talk page disputes
And other new research findings.
From the archives Five, ten, and fifteen years ago
Search upgrades, lawsuits, paid editing, and personal reflection.
Recent research Disinformatsiya: Much research, but what will actually help Wikipedia editors?
And other new research publications.
Recent research The dollar value of "official" external links
And other new research
Recent research A century of rulemaking on Wikipedia analyzed
And other new research findings.
Recent research Wikipedia versus academia (again), tables' "immortality" probed
Tables "like to socialize" and "share genes": ooh la la!
Recent research 35 million Twitter links analysed
And other recent research findings
Recent research Student edits as "civic engagement"; how Wikipedia readers interact with images
And other new research findings
Recent research Top scholarly citers, lack of open access references, predicting editor departures
And other research publications.
Recent research How editors and readers may be emotionally affected by disasters and terrorist attacks
And other recent research publications.
Recent research Articles with higher quality ratings have fewer "knowledge gaps"
And other research results
Recent research STEM articles judged unsuitable for undergraduates below the first paragraph
And other new research results
Recent research Vandalizing Wikipedia as rational behavior
And other recent research publications
Recent research Welcome messages fail to improve newbie retention
And other new research results
Recent research Wikipedia images for machine learning; Experiment justifies Wikipedia's high search rankings
And other new research publications
Disinformation report Paid promotional paragraphs in German parliamentary pages
Did German Wikipedia love parliaments a little too much? Plus fake-bacon and a ponzi scheme.
Recent research IP editors, inclusiveness and empathy, cyclones, and world heritage
IP editors, inclusiveness and empathy, cycles, and world heritage: A monthly overview of new research results
Recent research Gender bias and statistical fallacies, disinformation and mutual intelligibility
And other recent research publications
Recent research Quality of aquatic and anatomical articles
And other research publications
Recent research 10%–30% of Wikipedia’s contributors have subject-matter expertise
And other recent research results
Recent research Take an AI-generated flashcard quiz about Wikipedia; Wikipedia's anti-feudalism
And other new research publications
Recent research Students still have a better opinion of Wikipedia than teachers do
Students still have a better opinion of Wikipedia than teachers: And other new research results
News and notes 1,000,000,000 edits, board elections, virtual Wikimania 2021
Who else but Ser Amantio di Nicolao?
Recent research Predicting the next move in Wikipedia discussions
Six million talk page threads analyzed, and other research.
News and notes Year-end legal surprises cause concern, but Public Domain Day is imminent
New laws in the US and Europe might enable trolls; sad admin milestone for English Wikipedia, or not?
Recent research Wikipedia's Shoah coverage succeeds where libraries fail
And other new research publications
News and notes Jimmy Wales "shouldn't be kicked out before he's ready"
Arbitration Committee elections begin.
Recent research OpenSym 2020: Deletions and gender, masses vs. elites, edit filters
Ortega's hypothesis was right! (If you start with the right definitions and assumptions.)
News and notes Ban on IPs on ptwiki, paid editing for Tatarstan, IP masking
Branding pause, birthday.
In the media Murder, politics, religion, health and books
A possible conspiracy and 2 infodemics!
Recent research Wikipedia's flood biases
And other new research publications
In the media WIPO, Seigenthaler incident 15 years later
A celebrity quiz, Scots, and a Crypto-hating Wikipedia editor
Recent research Receiving thanks increases retention, but not the time contributed to Wikipedia
And other new research publications
Recent research Wikipedia and COVID-19; automated Wikipedia-based fact-checking
And other new research publications
News and notes Progress at Wikipedia Library and Wikijournal of Medicine
Plus Swedish biographies and the big oops!
Recent research Automatic detection of covert paid editing; Wiki Workshop 2020
New results from academic research
Recent research Trending topics across languages; auto-detecting bias
And other new research results.
Recent research Disease outbreak uncertainties, AfD forecasting, auto-updating Wikipedia
New research publications on "the fear of being erased" and other topics.
Recent research Wikipedia generates $50 billion/year consumer surplus in the US alone
And other new research results
News and notes Alexa ranking down to 13th worldwide
Falling behind Chinese websites.
Recent research How useful is Wikipedia for novice programmers trying to learn computing concepts?
And other new research publications.
Recent research Acoustics and Wikipedia; Wiki Workshop 2019 summary
15 recent papers, and other research news
In the media A net loss: Wikipedia attacked, closing off Russia? welcoming back Turkey?
The internet may not be as stable as it seems
Recent research Special issue on gender gap and gender bias research
A roundup of many recent publications examining Wikpedia's gender gaps in participation and content, and their possible reasons
Recent research Most influential medical journals; detecting pages to protect
And other new research publications
In the media Politics starts getting rough
Are we ready for the sharp elbows?
Recent research Wikipedia more useful than academic journals, but is it stealing the news?
And other new research publications
Recent research Barnstar-like awards increase new editor retention
And other recent research results
Recent research Research finds signs of cultural diversity and recreational habits of readers
When watchers want the whole truth, they wind up with the wiki! And Cultural Context Content comes out of a complete cartography.
Recent research Ad revenue from reused Wikipedia articles; are Wikipedia researchers asking the right questions?
And other new research publications.
Recent research Why do the most active Wikipedians burn out?; only 4% of students vandalize
And other new research results.
Recent research Wikimedia Commons worth $28.9 billion
If it weren't free, of course.
Recent research Wehrmacht on Wikipedia, neural networks writing biographies
Readers prefer the AI's version 40% of the time – but it still suffers from hallucinations.
Recent research Different Wikipedias use different images; editing contests more successful than edit-a-thons
And other recent findings, plus a roundup of research presentations at Wikimania.
Recent research How censorship can backfire and conversations can go awry
And: Wikipedians 'driven by a sense of mission', according to researchers.
Recent research Automated Q&A from Wikipedia articles; Who succeeds in talk page discussions?
Also: Polish quality, Russian political mythologization, and multilingual analyses
Recent research French medical articles have "high rate of veracity"; quality comparisons across languages; perceptions of credibility
French medical articles have "high rate of veracity": And other recent research publications.
Recent research Who wrote this? New dataset on the provenance of Wikipedia text
And other new research publications.
Recent research Wikipedia articles vs. concepts; Wikipedia usage in Europe
Plus the latest research publications.
Recent research Discussion summarization; Twitter bots tracking government edits; extracting trivia from Wikipedia
A list of recent research publications on various topics
Recent research Wikipedia can increase local tourism by 9%; predicting article quality with deep learning; recent behavior predicts quality
Local tourism gains +9% when Wikipedia articles are improved; significant improvements in predicting article quality with deep learning; recent editor behavior is a strong predictor of content quality
Recent research The chilling effect of surveillance on Wikipedia readers
A closer look at the research that found that the 2013 Snowden revelations coincided with a significant drop of pageviews for privacy-sensitive Wikipedia articles
Recent research Utopian bubbles: Can Wikipedians create value outside of the capitalist system?
A researcher applies Marxist critiques of political economy to investigate whether gamification, a culture of altruism, and other anti-corporatist influences on peer production can create a sustainable gift economy in project like Wikipedia.
Recent research Wikipedia bots fight – or do they?; personality and attitudes to Wikipedia; large expert review experiment
Wikipedia bot wars capture the imagination of the popular press – but are they real?; personality and attitudes to Wikipedia; large expert review experiment
Recent research Special issue: Wikipedia in education
This month's edition focuses on research about the role of Wikipedia in education, with reviews of recently published articles covering various angles of the topic.
Recent research Female Wikipedians aren't more likely to edit women biographies; Black Lives Matter in Wikipedia
And several other research papers reviewed and summarized
Recent research Privacy risks as perceived by Tor users and Wikipedians
One study and several abstracts: Privacy and Tor, and several other studies
Recent research Wikipedia Dispute Index a mixed bag; how motivations differ among contributor roles
A 2011 study resurfaces in a media report: We explore the study, which sought insights from Wikipedia metadata into global events
Recent research AI-generated articles and research ethics; anonymous edits and vandalism fighting ethics
Ethics of machine-created articles and fighting vandalism: One study encounters critique of its ethics from Wikipedians; another critiques the ethics employed by Wikipedia
Recent research Easier navigation via better wikilinks
Plus: new Wiki Studies journal, Wikipedia usage on Twitter and more
Recent research Using deep learning to predict article quality; search engine helps schoolkids navigate Chinese Wikipedia; talk page sentiment
Using deep learning to predict article quality: Plus navigating the Chinese Wikipedia, and talkpage sentiment
Recent research English as Wikipedia's lingua franca; deletion rationales; schizophrenia controversies
English as Wikipedia's Lingua Franca; deletion rationales; schizophrenia controversies: Round-up of recent Wikipedia research
Recent research The eight roles of Wikipedians; do edit histories expose social relations among editors?
Making sense of Wikipedia's social network
Recent research Wikipedia and paid labour; Swedish gender gap; how verifiable is "verifiable"?
Current academic research about the encyclopedia and related projects.
Recent research Bursty edits; how politics beat religion but then lost to sports; notability as a glass ceiling
Current research involving Wikipedia.
Recent research Teaching Wikipedia, Does advertising the gender gap help or hurt Wikipedia?
Current academic research on Wikipedia and related projects
Recent research Do Wikipedia citations mirror scholarly impact?; co-star networks in silent films
Scholarly research about Wikipedia and related projects.
Recent research Wiktionary special; newbies, conflict and tolerance; Is Wikipedia's search function inferior?
A look at newly published Wikipedia research.
Recent research OpenSym 2015 report; PageRank and wiki quality; news suggestions; the impact of open access
OpenSym 2015 report: A look at the research presented at the OpenSym 2015 conference.
Recent research Wikipedia and collective intelligence; how Wikipedia is tweeted
An article argues that Wikipedia displays some key characteristics of a collective intelligence process.
Recent research How Wikipedia built governance capability; readability of plastic surgery articles
One paper looks at the topic of Wikipedia governance in the context of online social production.
Recent research Drug articles accurate and largely complete; women "slightly overrepresented"; talking like an admin
Wikipedia's articles on drugs are pretty good – good enough to impress even doctors. A new research study adds some substance to that impression.
Blog How many women edit Wikipedia?
This section was published in error and has been removed from circulation.
Recent research Most important people; respiratory reliability; academic attitudes
The authors attempt to answer the question "Who are the most important people of all times?" Their findings clearly show that different Wikipedias give different prominence to different individuals.
Recent research Gender bias, SOPA blackout, and a student assignment that backfired
A monthly roundup of Wikimedia-related research
Recent research Bot writes about theatre plays; "Renaissance editors" create better content
A paper presented at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition last year presents an automated method to improve Wikipedia's coverage of theatre plays.
Recent research Wikipedia in higher education; gender-driven talk page conflicts; disease forecasting
A paper titled "Factors that influence the teaching use of Wikipedia in Higher Education" uses the technology acceptance model to shed light on faculty's (of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) views of Wikipedia as a teaching tool.
Recent research Gender gap and skills gap; academic citations on the rise; European food cultures
The monthly roundup of research related to Wikimedia.
Recent research Informed consent and privacy; newsmaking on Wikipedia; Wikipedia and organizational theories
In new research conducted in light of proposed changes to data protection legislation in the European Union (EU), authors Bart Custers, Simone van der Hof, and Bart Schermer conducted a comparative analysis of social media and user-generated content websites’ privacy policies along with a user survey (N=8,621 in 26 countries) and interviews in 13 different EU countries on awareness, values, and attitudes toward privacy online.
Recent research 99.25% of Wikipedia birthdates accurate; focused Wikipedians live longer; merging WordNet, Wikipedia and Wiktionary
0.75% of Wikipedia birthdates are inaccurate, reported Robert Viseur at WikiSym 2014. Those inaccuracies are "low, although higher than the 0.21% observed for the baseline reference sources". Given that biographies represent 15% of English Wikipedia, the third largest category after "arts" and "culture", their accuracy is important.
Recent research Power users and diversity in WikiProjects; the "network of cultures" in multilingual Wikipedia biographies
Power users and diversity in WikiProjects: In a recent paper, Jacob Solomon and Rick Wash investigate the question of sustainability in online communities by analysing trends in the growth of WikiProjects.
Recent research Predicting which article you will edit next; reader research
Predicting which article you will edit next: Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders; "Chinese-language time zones" favor Asian pop and IT topics on Wikipedia; and bipartite editing prediction in Wikipedia.
Recent research Wikipedia predicts flu more accurately than Google; 43% of academics have edited Wikipedia
Wikipedia predicts flu more accurately than Google: Can you predict the number of seasonal influenza-like illness in the U.S. using data from Wikipedia?
Recent research Wikipedians' "encyclopedic identity" dominates even in Kosovo debates; analysis of "In the news" discussions; user hierarchy mapped
Wikipedians' "encyclopedic identity" dominates even in Kosovo debates: Have you wondered about differences in the articles on Crimea in the Russian, Ukrainian, and English versions of Wikipedia? A newly published article entitled "Lost in Translation: Contexts, Computing, Disputing on Wikipedia" doesn't address Crimea, but nonetheless offers insight into the editing of contentious articles in multiple language editions through a heavy qualitative examination of Wikipedia articles about the Kosovo in the Serbian, Croatian, and English editions.
Recent research CSCW '14 retrospective; the impact of SOPA on deletionism
CSCW '14 retrospective; the impact of SOPA on deletionism: The monthly roundup of recent academic research about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, edited jointly with the Wikimedia Research Committee.
Recent research Translation assignments, weasel words, and Wikipedia's content in its later years
An author experimented with "a promising type of assignment in formal translator training which involves translating and publishing Wikipedia articles", in three courses with students at the University of Warsaw.
Recent research Cross-language editors, election predictions, vandalism experiments
Analyzing edits to the-then 46 largest Wikipedias between July 9 and August 8, 2013, a study identified a set of about 8,000 contributors with a global user account who have edited more than one of these language versions in that time frame.
Recent research Reciprocity and reputation motivate contributions to Wikipedia; indigenous knowledge and "cultural imperialism"; how PR people see Wikipedia
Wikipedia works on the efforts of unpaid volunteers who choose to donate their time to advance the cause of free knowledge. This phenomenon, as trivial as it may sound to those acquainted with Wikipedia inner workings, has always puzzled economists and social scientists alike, in that standard Economic theory would not predict that such enterprises would thrive without any form of remuneration.
Recent research User influence on site policies: Wikipedia vs. Facebook vs. YouTube
User influence on site policies: Wikipedia vs. Facebook vs. Youtube: Laura Stein, a researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, has concluded that, based on her comparison of user policy documents (including the Terms of Service) of YouTube, Facebook and Wikipedia, Wikipedia offers the highest level of participation power overall.
Recent research Automatic detection of "infiltrating" Wikipedia admins; Wiki, or 'pedia?
A conference paper makes a rather serious claim: "We find a surprisingly large number of editors who change their behavior and begin focusing more on a particular controversial topic once they are promoted to administrator status."
Recent research WikiSym 2013 retrospective
98 registered participants attended the annual WikiSym+OpenSym conference from August 5-7 at Hong Kong's Cyberport facility.
Recent research Napoleon, Michael Jackson and Srebrenica across cultures, 90% of Wikipedia better than Britannica, WikiSym preview
An ArXiv preprint titled "Highlighting entanglement of cultures via ranking of multilingual Wikipedia articles" is about the Wikipedia articles on individuals and their position in the hyperlink network of the articles in each Wikipedia language edition, considering the whole hyperlink network.
Recent research Most controversial Wikipedia topics, automatic detection of sockpuppets
A comparative work by T. Yasseri., A. Spoerri, M. Graham and J. Kertész looks at the 100 most controversial topics in 10 language versions of Wikipedia, and tries to make sense of the similarities and differences in these lists.
Recent research Motivations on the Persian Wikipedia; is science eight times more popular on the Spanish Wikipedia than the English Wikipedia?
An article in Library Review offers a much-needed comparison of data from a population of editors outside the English Wikipedia.
Recent research Sentiment monitoring; Wikipedians and academics favor the same papers; UNESCO and systemic bias; How ideas flow on Wikiversity
Sentiment monitoring; UNESCO and systemic bias; and more: A report on an online service which was created to conduct real-time monitoring of Wikipedia articles of companies, and more.
Recent research "Ignore all rules" in deletions; anonymity and groupthink; how readers react when shown talk pages
A paper presented at last month's CSCW Conference observes that "Mass collaboration systems are often characterized as unstructured organizations lacking rule and order", yet Wikipedia has a well developed body of policies to support it as an organization.
Recent research Wikipedia not so novel after all, except to UK university lecturers; EPOV instead of NPOV
Wikipedia not so novel after all, except to UK university lecturers: "Wikipedia and Encyclopedic Production" by Jeff Loveland (a historian of encyclopedias) and Joseph Reagle situates Wikipedia within the context of encyclopedic production historically, arguing that the features that many claim to be unique about Wikipedia actually have roots in encyclopedias of the past.
Recent research Lessons from the research literature on open collaboration; clicks on featured articles; credibility heuristics
A special issue of the American Behavioral Scientist is devoted to "open collaboration".
Recent research Wikipedia and Sandy Hook; SOPA blackout reexamined
The gathering of hundreds of Wikipedians to cover the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in its immediate aftermath, and a look back at Wikipedians' participation in the January protests against SOPA and PIPA.
Recent research Movie success predictions, readability, credentials and authority, geographical comparisons
An open-access preprint presents the results from a study attempting to predict early box office revenues from Wikipedia traffic and activity data. The authors – a team of computational social scientists from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Aalto University and the Central European University – submit that behavioral patterns on Wikipedia can be used for accurate forecasting, matching and in some cases outperforming the use of social media data for predictive modeling. The results, based on a corpus of 312 English Wikipedia articles on movies released in 2010, indicate that the joint editing activity and traffic measures on Wikipedia are strong predictors of box office revenue for highly successful movies.
Recent research WP governance informal; community as social network; efficiency of recruitment and content production; Rorschach news
A paper in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, coming from the social control perspective and employing the repertory grid technique, has contributed interesting observations about the governance of Wikipedia.
Recent research "Rise and decline" of Wikipedia participation, new literature overviews, a look back at WikiSym 2012
A paper to appear in a special issue of American Behavioral Scientist describes how "several changes that the Wikipedia community made to manage quality and consistency in the face of a massive growth in participation have led to a more restrictive environment for newcomers" and points to three factors contributing to the increasingly "restrictive environment" they face.
Recent research New influence graph visualizations; NPOV and history; 'low-hanging fruit'
A monthly overview of recent academic research about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, edited jointly with the Wikimedia Research Committee and republished as the Wikimedia Research Newsletter.
Recent research Conflict dynamics, collaboration and emotions; digitization vs. copyright; WikiProject field notes; quality of medical articles; role of readers; best wiki paper award
From the modeling of social dynamics in a collaborative environment to why the number of Wikipedia readers rises while the number of editors doesn't.
Interview An introduction to movement roles
Women and Wikipedia New Research, WikiChix
From the editor Stepping down
Technology report Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
Technology report Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
2010 in review Review of the year
Technology report Bugs, Repairs, and Internal Operational News
From the editor New ways to read and share the Signpost
Book review Cognitive Surplus, by Clay Shirky
Wikimania preview Gearing up for Wikimania in Gdańsk
Objectionable material Board resolution on offensive content
News and notes Wikimedians at Maker Faire, brief news
German controversy German Wikipedia under fire from inclusionists
Copyright threat UK public gallery threatens Wikimedian


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