The Signpost


Walled gardens of corruption

Kazakhstan, the world's largest landlocked country, straddles Europe and China.
I first became aware of the Kazakh government's impact on Wikipedia in 2012 when I learnt that Jimmy Wales was due to visit the Central Asian country to formally bestow the inaugural Wikipedian-of-the-Year award on Rauan Kenzhekhanuly, a former Kazakh diplomat. The ceremony, planned to take place in the presence of the country's president and prime minister, sounded like a high-profile event – almost like a state visit.

In the end, Wales' journey never materialised. There was a hubbub on his Wikipedia talk page, pointing out Kazakhstan's awful human rights record and Wales' personal links to Tony Blair, who has long been castigated for his multi-million-dollar consultancy contract advising the Kazakh government on how to polish its image in the west. Several press articles appeared, raising metaphorical eyebrows, and the trip never took place (see previous Signpost coverage).

Kazakhstan and Wikipedia: A marriage made in hell

In the meantime though, the embryonic user-generated Kazakh Wikipedia was systematically overwritten with material from the state-published (and thus censored) Kazakh national encyclopedia. And with this job and other work accomplished, Wales' Wikipedian of the Year was last year reported to have returned to official government service: becoming a deputy governor in his home country and founding a Brussels think tank, the Eurasian Council on Foreign Affairs (ECFA), widely judged to be a PR front for the Kazakh regime.

When UK Labour politician Jack Straw announced that he wanted to do work for Kenzhekhanuly's ECFA, human rights organisations were in uproar. Allan Hogarth, head of policy and government affairs at Amnesty International UK, was quoted in The Independent as saying:

Kazakhstan is a vast country, the world's ninth-largest by area, blessed with enormous mineral resources.
Alas, where was Hogarth when Wales announced his Wikipedian-of-the-Year award? Rightly or wrongly, I thought much the same words could have applied to Wales at the time. When two years later, in the wake of the Stanton Foundation and Belfer Center paid-editing scandal (see previous Signpost coverage), I learned that Belfer Center director Graham T. Allison, the husband of the Stanton Foundation's Liz Allison, not only had a friendship medal from the Kazakh president, but had also authored a foreword to the good president's book, Epicenter of Peace, this was hardly likely to make me feel more sanguine.

The Stanton Foundation, administered by Liz Allison, has historically been the Wikimedia Foundation's biggest donor. If it had been able to pressure or cajole Wikimedia Foundation staff into abandoning their principles in the Belfer Center paid-editing case, despite warnings from veteran Wikipedians like Pete Forsyth and Liam Wyatt, I wondered, perhaps the Belfer Center had had something to do with the Kazakh Wikipedian-of-the-Year award too? After all, the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) received a record-breaking $3.5 million grant from the Stanton Foundation in 2011, mere weeks after the Kazakh Wikipedian-of-the-Year award.

Wales denied it when asked about it on Reddit, adding he had never heard of Graham Allison, the Belfer Center, or Liz Allison before – despite the many millions the Stanton Foundation has given the WMF over the past few years, and despite Wales' having assisted the Belfer Center's professor Joseph Nye with a 2014 "good government and trust-building" project realised in cooperation with the United Arab Emirates government (another human rights violator). Wales said he had not bothered to research professor Nye's more detailed affiliations and was unaware of them, just as he said he was unaware of Kenzhekhanuly's prior government roles (listed in his LinkedIn profile) at the time he gave him the award.

But the news of Kenzhekhanuly's official return to government service was enough to make Wales finally, with a delay of several years, "distance himself from the Kazakhstan PR machine", as one observer put it. Following accusations on Reddit that he had repeatedly been reported to have praised the Kazakh government, while never having spoken out publicly about the lack of freedom of speech in the country, Wales even went out of his way to criticise the Kazakh government for its internet censorship. At last.

The world's ninth-largest country, with tens of trillions of dollars in mineral resources

It was these events that sensitised me to Wikipedia's content about Kazakhstan. The country – formerly part of the Soviet Union, and only independent since 1991 – is still remarkably obscure to many people, despite being the globe's ninth-largest by area, and blessed with enormous mineral resources.

According to presentations by Kazakh embassies designed to attract Western investment, the value of these resources is measured in tens of trillions of dollars (yes, tens of trillions, not billions).

Kazakhstan has serious wealth; that and the president's strong stance against nuclear proliferation have gained him a certain amount of favour with pragmatically thinking Western leaders, even while human rights organisations vociferously condemn his regime.

"Tinkering with Wikipedia"

The Kazakh government is based in Astana, Kazakhstan's futuristic, purpose-built capital. The large yurt-like structure in the far distance was designed by renowned British architects Foster and Partners.
And this is where Wikipedia comes in: because when a country has a poor human rights record, it hurts investment. Reports appeared in 2012 that the Kazakh government was taking an active interest in Wikipedia, employing PR agencies to massage entries related to the country ("Kazakhstan: Top-Notch PR Firms Help Brighten Astana's Image", "Tinkering with Wikipedia part of Kazakh government's PR strategy?").

Looking at Wikipedia's content I noticed, for example, that the article Elections in Kazakhstan held a great amount of technical detail, but not a single mention of the fact that Kazakh elections are widely considered a sham. The president, in power since 1989, when the country was still part of the Soviet Union, won his last election with 97.7% support, owing to the fact that no genuine opposition leaders were allowed to stand – something the election account in Wikipedia's article on the President of Kazakhstan provided no clue whatsoever to.

The human rights situation in Kazakhstan, as portrayed by human rights organisations

Next, let's look at the article Human rights in Kazakhstan. Before we do, here is a summary from Human Rights Watch of the situation in Kazakhstan:

Here is what Amnesty International has to say:

Here is Freedom House's take, under the subheading "Dictatorship prevails elsewhere in Eurasia":

Freedom House's democracy score for Kazakhstan is 6.61 on a scale of 1–7, where 1 is best and 7 is worst.

All of this is about as bad as it comes, right?

The human rights situation in Kazakhstan, as portrayed in Wikipedia: Torture? What torture?

Organisations like Human Rights Watch sharply condemn the Kazakh government for its human rights abuses. You would not have thought so from reading Wikipedia.
You might expect to find these assessments prominently reflected in the Wikipedia article Human rights in Kazakhstan (permalink). Not so.

The article starts,

Well, that's great!

The entire second paragraph is devoted to a report titled "Looking Forward: Kazakhstan and the United States", authored by a bi-national team comprising three Kazakh academics as well as two Americans from Johns Hopkins University (which has been called out by ABC News for taking money from the Kazakh government for academic reports) and another from StrateVarious, a "global strategy consulting" firm which, presumably, also accepts payment for its services. It says,

We may not allow free elections, have closed down opposition newspapers, shoot protesters and torture dissidents, but don't give us a hard time over it! We're trying!

It follows this up with some of the most soporific writing to be found anywhere in Wikipedia:

Are you asleep yet?

The 2015 Freedom House world map. Kazakhstan is shown slate-coloured, i.e. "not free". The freest countries in the region are Mongolia, landlocked between China and Russia and marked in green, just to the east of Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, marked in orange to the south-east of Kazakhstan.
This is all there is above the fold. It is followed by several thousand additional words of soporific detail and inconsequential import. There is nothing about torture in detention and arresting people for exercising their freedom to assembly, but plenty more Soviet-style news detail about a religious congress, more praise for Kazakhstan with its "Rule of Law initiatives", "Justice Sector Institutional Strengthening Project", "human rights dialogue", "efforts against torture", and so forth. The press freedom section ends with the confident assertion that "Kazakhstan complies with the international human rights standards" (sourced to the state-published Astana Times). And buried somewhere in this morass is a story of some Hare Krishnas getting evicted.

Soviet-style states churn out a never-ending supply of articles detailing various palatable-sounding initiatives, high-minded affirmations of constitutional rights. All you have to do to win at Wikipedia is to cite them all. Even if someone, somewhere, inserts a critical comment, place enough fluff before and after, and the reader will never get there.

And this, some Wikipedians eventually began to suspect, is exactly what has been happening in this topic area.

Wikipedians smell a rat

On Talk:Kazakhstan, NeilN initiated the following conversation a few weeks ago:

And that is about the size of it. As far as I have seen, there have been few actual deletions of content, no edit wars. Whenever critical material has been inserted, it has simply been surrounded with a never-ending stream of boring, Soviet-style news. All sourced, of course!

See for example the sections on human rights, media and the rule of law (permalink) in the main Kazakhstan article, one of Wikipedia's 1,000 most viewed articles (ranked 664 at the time of writing, and averaging more than 4,000 views a day). Yes, there is some limited criticism there, but you have to look for it like a needle in a haystack, because it first tells you about a Kazakh diplomat's international efforts, Kazakhstan's participation in the Human Rights Council, its Human Rights Action Plan, a media support centre opened in Almaty, and the 2002 creation of a human rights ombudsman ... zzzzzzzzz

Wake up again!

So, who's doing it? Well, it's noticeable that there's a whole bevy of red-linked single-purpose accounts (SPAs) that only edit Kazakhstan articles and nothing else. They only make a handful of edits, at most a few dozen, and disappear again. They overlap to such an extent that some articles' edit histories are almost entirely composed of their contributions, with regular Wikipedians only making brief appearances to disambiguate a term, add a category or fix a typo, and then disappear again.

Quite possibly, most or all of these red-linked accounts are operated by one group or person. So, where is Wikipedia's much-vaunted transparency here? Just as in the Wiki-PR and Orangemoody sockpuppet cases, we see that Wikipedia actually provides readily accessible means to obscure and falsify an article's edit history. It looks like lots of different people have worked on the articles, but there is no way of knowing. It's like the old joke about the incredibly secure house that has dozens of specialist locks on its front door, but no walls.

The search engine manipulation effect (SEME): recent research shows that Google visibility has a significant impact on public perception, opening the door to manipulation. Wikipedia, increasingly integrated into Google's Knowledge Graph and Bing's Satori equivalent, is a key factor in what search engine users see.
I don't think anyone could look at the English Wikipedia's articles on Kazakhstan and conclude that anonymous crowdsourcing has worked well here. There is no "crowd". The topic area looks like a walled garden owned by a PR team, and has done for a long time. It works so well that a Kazakh embassy tweeted the Kazakhstan article to celebrate Kazakhstan's national day. An embassy of a country with a democracy score of 6.61 on a scale of 1 to 7. That occupies 161st place (out of 180 places) in the 2014 Press Freedom Index. Tweets the Wikipedia article about its country, because it is so wonderfully flattering.

The matter is currently at the conflict-of-interest noticeboard. But given that in recent years, search engines like Google and Bing have taken to displaying Wikipedia material directly on the search engine results pages, there is potentially far more at stake here than the English Wikipedia's suite of Kazakhstan articles, all of which have been compromised to some extent.

Manipulation of online information

A recent academic paper, titled "The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections", demonstrates experimentally how great an effect even subtle changes to Google rankings can have on public opinion. Making praise or criticism more or less visible, even by just a tiny bit, makes all the difference, the paper's authors argue.

We are finding time and again that on controversial topics, Wikipedia is less robust, more vulnerable to manipulation, than the average of the existing reliable sources. For all its convenience, it is also a bottleneck, the most vulnerable link in a chain stretching from original reporting to information consumers.

Indian families who went to Wikipedia to reassure themselves about the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM) were duped: a corrupt Wikipedia administrator had, for years, deleted criticism and inserted praise, continuing the work of a small sockpuppet army that was active in earlier years (see previous Signpost coverage).

The consumer warnings that were available on the web disappeared from view in Wikipedia. This bottleneck effect is increased even further with programmes like Wikipedia Zero.

In 2013, Croatia's Minister of Science, Education and Sports, Željko Jovanović, warned his country's students not to rely on the Croatian Wikipedia, as it had been "usurped" by a far right fringe group that had filled large parts of it with falsified content.
Croatian internet users had to be warned off the Croatian Wikipedia by the country's education minister, because their language version had reportedly been taken over by fascists.

A related problem is that the public tends to trust Wikipedia content too much, as Oxford scholar and former Wikipedia checkuser Taha Yasseri pointed out a few weeks ago, and understands too little about how said content comes into being.

In part, this is what motivates manipulation attempts: if a manipulator's content sticks, it's successfully become disconnected from the person who placed it. To members of the public, it is now "Wikipedia" saying whatever it is that is being said, not that person. You can see that error in thinking in press articles sometimes, when journalists say things like, "Wikipedia updated its description of so-and-so", failing to understand and convey to the public that it was simply one – typically anonymous – person changing an openly editable webpage.

The authors of a recent Oxford Internet Institute study, "Digital Divisions of Labor and Informational Magnetism: Mapping Participation in Wikipedia", pointed out that for all the good intentions of Wikipedia, "In practice, we see how existing inequalities and imbalances don't just make places invisible, but also suffocate certain voices and perspectives."

You may have thought that Wikipedia would make it harder to suffocate certain voices. We are seeing evidence to the contrary. This shouldn't come as a complete surprise of course. In 2006, Jason Scott, in an almost prophetic speech, said,

Nine years on, lives are being affected. Commenting on the Wifione/IIPM case, Indian journalist Maheshwar Peri said, "In my opinion, by letting this go on for so long, Wikipedia has messed up perhaps 15,000 students' lives."

What now?

The Kazakhstan articles may or may not be corrected. The COI/N thread has elicited sympathetic interest, but very little change in article space. But even if the articles are corrected, the fact is they stood corrupted for years. And another set of equally important articles in some other topic area may be becoming corrupted as we speak. Jimmy Wales was advised of this situation last December on Twitter, and did nothing. Nothing changed by itself; if anything, the situation got worse.

There are only about 200 countries in the world. Quite a lot, but I wouldn't have thought too many for such a large community to keep an eye on. But if Wikipedia can't even notice and deal with anonymous manipulation of its content about the world's 9th largest country by area, a country with enormous mineral wealth and outstanding global significance, what will it do for human knowledge if Wikidata and Wikipedia content is plugged into Google and Bing to become the world's default answer to everything?

We should be honest with ourselves and the public: Wikipedia can be fun to participate in. It can be entertaining to read. It has some great content and can be really useful. Its sheer breadth can be awe-inspiring. But a reference work compiled by anonymous volunteers, the way Wikipedia is today, is too vulnerable to act as a substitute for the existing plethora of voices out there. Wikipedia is not the sum of human knowledge. It is a severely abridged summary, and sometimes, a very flawed one. Away from high-profile articles that receive diligent scrutiny, it is no better than the last thing said about a topic by a stranger in the pub.

And to answer the obvious question …

Of course I could have tried to WP:SOFIXIT. Six or seven years ago, I probably would have. But the thing is, if I as a single editor am all that stands between accurate coverage of just the basics of the human rights situation in a major country and said content devolving into a farce, then Wikipedia and the public have a structural problem that is far more urgent to address than a few dozen corrupted articles on Kazakhstan.

Citing SOFIXIT is like building a dyke made of a type of sand and telling anyone who sees water coming through that they should volunteer to remain standing there for the rest of their lives and shovel more sand on, when the more sensible way forward may be to point out that there are structural flaws in the design of the dyke that need fixing.

It is well known in industry that if you end up dealing with one crisis after another, fixing the underlying systemic causes is a greater priority than attending to the individual crises. Doing the latter may make you feel you are doing great things, but it just keeps you so occupied that you cannot see the big picture. So, what are some of the structural flaws?

Structural flaws

  1. The most fundamental flaw is unrestricted anonymity. Individuals can and do register dozens or even hundreds of pseudonymous accounts and use them for more or less dishonest purposes. Many Wikipedians argue that anonymity is not a bug but a fundamental feature of Wikipedia, but it is blindingly obvious that complete anonymity facilitates mischief and manipulation, incurring significant administrative costs and adversely impacting article quality.
  2. At present, there is no obvious way in Wikipedia to give a conflict-of-interest or paid-editing problem affecting one of the site's 1,000 most-viewed articles a higher priority and more eyeballs than a problem affecting an article viewed by three people a day. No one is responsible, and whether a particular article gets attention or not is a completely random affair driven by volunteer interest.
  3. Speaking more generally, I am not sure there are many or indeed any quality improvement measures in Wikipedia that are driven by empirical article traffic statistics.
  4. Wikipedia has three times as many articles as it did in 2007, while the number of highly active editors, the core community, has dropped by a third. There are more and more articles that do not receive proper scrutiny.
  5. The reader cannot tell the difference between an article like Barack Obama that is watched by hundreds of editors with rounded contributions histories and an article that was written by half a dozen single-purpose PR socks that have only ever made a few dozen edits in one narrow topic area. To the public, it's all "Wikipedia".

It doesn't have to be that way. There are statistics in the database – like the number of contributors that were involved in writing the bulk of the article, the average number of edits those contributors have made in other articles and topic areas, the number of article watchers, the number of edit wars and deletions of sourced material – that many PR efforts score badly in. It's an area that could do with further research. Ultimately such statistics should be analysed and reported to the reader in the form of an article "health index", perhaps as a simple colour-coded icon.

Quite apart from introducing the reader to the notion that some Wikipedia articles are healthier than others, the fact that the typical PR product will achieve a visibly and permanently poor result on the health index scale might itself discourage some types of PR efforts.

I hope the WMF will devote further resources to researching quality metrics and correlates, and devise ways of making them highly visible to the reader.

Parts of this op-ed were informed by discussions at Andrew Lih's "Wikipedia Weekly" Facebook group. Stimuli and encouragement received from contributors there are gratefully acknowledged.

Andreas Kolbe has been a Wikipedia contributor since 2006 and is a longstanding contributor to the Signpost's "In the media" section. The views expressed in this editorial are his alone and do not reflect any official opinions of this publication. Responses and critical commentary are invited in the comments section.

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  • Andreas is right: we need more eyeballs scanning potential areas of trouble. The table of conflict-of-interest edit requests is a good starting place and desperately needs more monitors. I've been trying to reduce the backlog, which had 107 requests as of this post dating back to March 2015. When corporate editors try to comply with Wikipedia's COI editing guidelines, but get no feedback for weeks or months on end, it is little surprise that they grow impatient and make the changes themselves, which I have seen a number of times. Not that the PR editors' behavior is excusable, but the editors of this encyclopedia need to live up to their responsibilities as well. Altamel (talk) 18:59, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Should't the simple fact that this page got written, with all of the effort put into its research, be enough to prompt at least ArbCom to say something? —烏Γ (kaw), 19:14, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    ArbCom is a committee nominally for the purpose of arbitrating disputes between Wikipedians that cannot be resolved by other means. It strays, and is pushed, outside this remit often, and in many ways, but this is not necessarily a good thing. ArbCom is do not represent the community, they represent themselves. All the best: Rich Farmbrough, 18:16, 12 October 2015 (UTC).[reply]
    I know. But they're often held in much higher regard than that (often perceived as something analogous to a Wikipedia Supreme Court), and if not them, then what would be a better avenue? —⁠烏⁠Γ (kaw), 19:12, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    Speaking personally, very definitely not for the committee, it is my personal impressions that the way to get arb com to rule on it is to bring a case before it. To do so, it normally must be a matter that has been discussed by the community , but which remains unresolved. If the COI Noticeboard discussion should reach that point, then if a suitable case is brought, that's the point when the people on arb com can consider if we want to hear it. There is considerable strategy involved in deciding how and when to bring a case, and I would advise anyone who wishes to do this to read very carefully the appropriate help pages, examine closely a number of recent and relevant cases, and consult with those having experience at this. I will add my personal observation, not necessarily shared by my colleagues: it is rare that anyone brings a case to arb com and comes out the better for it. I would thus personally thing it a good idea to follow all other potential avenues first. DGG ( talk ) 22:02, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Great article and let's think about what progress could be made to address the issue. The problem is around anonymous editing. Why can't editors on sensitive subjects like this identify themselves to the WMF in some way? The community is powerless, I think. Peter Damian (talk) 19:21, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • This is an outstanding piece of investigative journalism, Andreas Kolbe, and I commend you for it. As there are no easy answers, I will offer no glib solutions. I will put the main articles in question on my watch list, and study the matter further. I hope Jimbo responds in detail. Cullen328 Let's discuss it 19:26, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    • Jimbo? What do you want to get from him? A silver bullet? Something like disabling article creation by anons? I see it nothing but a PR stunt in response to vandalism scandal. IMO it created more trouble than help for wikipedians, but completely avoided the issue in the center of the scandal. You are right avoiding glib solutions in this page. But there should be major taskforce assembled to handle the major problem. How many strikes did we have already? - üser:Altenmann >t 20:27, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
      • Indeed, invoking Jimbo here is comically ironic, being that the author of this wonderful investigation, Andreas Kolbe, has been personally and expressly banned from ever again engaging on the Jimbo Talk page. And Jimbo's face is what brings in another $70 million for the Wikimedia Foundation every year. Do you really think crying to Jimbo, who is almost certainly culpable in this mess, is going to help matters? I wonder if Cullen even read the op-ed. - 2001:558:1400:10:A045:BC0D:2ABF:8106 (talk) 19:45, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Anonymity is a problem for Wikipedia, but it is not absolute. I have books and articles citing Wikipedia, and giving my name as the author. Hawkeye7 (talk) 20:49, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Andreas, thanks a lot for this investigation! I have started to watch a few Kazakhistan-related articles and do some cleanup in the Spanish-language Wikipedia. --Hispalois (talk) 21:17, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • This is a great piece, I enjoyed reading ALL of it.—M@sssly 23:50, 11 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • This essay is bland politics backed by civic ineptitude. "[...] the article Elections in Kazakhstan held a great amount of technical detail [...]" That is a reckless thing to say, since the article is blatantly non-informative and generally useless. The technical detail doesn't even match the elections in New York article, which I consider to be the bare minimum technical detail required to have a minimal understanding of that electoral system. Reckless. "You might expect to find these assessments prominently reflected in the Wikipedia article [...]" No, I would expect such an article to be generally useless, given the state of the law of Kazakhstan article. (Are you really going to make me create that article? How pitiful.) Priorities, yo, get them straight. Oh, wow, more discussion of law, somehow without any discussion of actual law...
    The author is discussing complex issues seemingly without even a basic understanding of the underlying structures, either in the country in question, or seemingly without even a basic understanding of Western political systems. Common, but still. WP:SOFIXIT is obviously a non-starter, because it requires an basic awareness of what "it" is, and it seems the author doesn't. "But the thing is, if I as a single editor am all that stands between accurate coverage of just the basics of the human rights situation in a major country and said content devolving into a farce, then Wikipedia and the public have a structural problem that is far more urgent to address than a few dozen corrupted articles on Kazakhstan." No, as far as making these articles better, the author is a non-entity. We are making progress, but I think reckless lack of knowledge is a bigger issue for the US and EU, especially when their peoples (such as, in all likelyhood, the author) churn out such civically useless nonsense (like this article) yet have such a large voice (like this article). Priorities, yo. Cheers, Int21h (talk) 01:46, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    • Disregarding the overall tone, I have to agree that Int21h hits the nail: the Kazakhstan mess is not the result of some evil conspiracy; it is just because en:wikipedians don't give a f8ck for kz: affairs. Heck, even the discussed essay proves this: it says these SPAs go quietly away without edit war when reverted. - üser:Altenmann >t 03:06, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • This makes some fair points, but many go too far. Is it really so reasonable to ask a small project to turn down a huge ready-made start to many of its encyclopedia entries, just because that information source carries bias? Can we really expect Wikipedia editors to decide that a Johns Hopkins academic study is unreliable, based on some argument they may not have heard about regarding its funding? And the blanket dismissal of the red-linked accounts as part of a PR campaign runs counter to usual AGF principles - I see a lot more accusation than evidence there. I could just as easily start going on about seeing the same crew of regulars turning up to congratulate each other here - people who may demand that we line up behind Human Rights Watch on this issue, but don't seem to have any trouble calling for Wikimedia Commons to be shut down to prevent it from keeping "porn". On the plus side, this editorial is better than some of its forum-based predecessors in that it doesn't try to blame Jimbo for the entire foreign policy of the UK government.
Now by my criticism I don't mean to suggest that there is no bias at all. We can't keep nationalist pressure off the article about Copernicus, let alone something more recent or relevant. If this article is a whitewash, consider what people have tried to do to keep critics away from their favorite American politicians.
The proposal of ending anonymity is a Wikipediocracy favorite. (Not just them of course - the head of Facebook loves it, as does Xi Jinping, the foremost leader in censorship who met with Zuckerberg to talk business two weeks ago but politely declined to name his baby) Authoritarian regimes, and authoritarian individuals, love the notion of tracking down some poster who uploaded the wrong picture or the wrong fact and ruining his life, and as Wikipediocracy regulars know very well, I'm not just talking about in Asia!
That said, the notion of patrolling and revising articles by readership is actually a sound idea. It is unfortunate that everyone wants to read articles like Thanksgiving but nobody wants to write them. I would like to see a "random article" feature weighted according to the last month's traffic statistics, so that people can click on it and read - or review - articles that other people are interested in. Wnt (talk) 16:22, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • "Wikipedia has three times as many articles points posted to the scoreboard as it did in 2007, while the number of highly active editors game-players, the core community, has dropped by a third." FTFY. As you Andreas once said, "whatever Wikipedia as a community is doing, it is more of a vehicle for contributors' self-indulgence than it is a concerted endeavour to bring free knowledge to the world." As for me, I'd like to see Jimmy stripped of his founder flag, the WMF to release a press statement indicating Wales no longer represents the movement, an absolute ban on IP editing, and unrestricted preventative use of CU to ferret out socks. Chris Troutman (talk) 16:40, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Chris troutman: The closest I can come to making sense out of that is that you think whatever articles editors are writing is "self-indulgence" ... unless they're writing the articles you want, in which case they're indulging you, which I take it isn't a problem. Wnt (talk) 17:37, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Wnt: Yes, I guess. I like being indulged. I'm not sure what the source of your confusion is.
Wikipedia is a game we all play and incidents like this Kazakh foolishness proves that there are structural problems in Wikipedia that facilitate gameplay but not knowledge management. Andreas has been pointing this stuff out for years and I'm a big fan of his journalism. Why wasn't I, as an editor, watching Human rights in Kazakhstan? It's because I don't care. I contribute to articles like Gabe Zichermann because I got paid to or articles like National archives because there was a reward involved. Sometimes I'll do stuff like James Brown (Elvis impersonator) because it gives me joy. Is anyone here contributing content out of a misplaced belief in community service? Does some poor kid in Kenya need an article on fan death?
Wikipedia assumes the aggregate will somehow correct errors like Kazakh PR editing when it clearly doesn't. Why doesn't WMF try to find methods (like those mentioned above) to spot problems like this? WMF doesn't care. It gets gameplayers clicking and editing while fools send in money for coding that doesn't even work. Don't get me wrong, I get a lot of utility from Wikipedia as a reference work and I'm glad I could pitch in. However, the good of Wikipedia is only in what we the volunteers contribute. Anything the home office does or fails to do is tied to the gameplay. Obvious conflicts of interest ostensibly buying permission for POV-editing, while shameful, has become par for the course. Chris Troutman (talk) 18:08, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Chris troutman: Herman Hesse expressed some of this sort of misgiving about writing metaphorically in The Glass Bead Game. Who is to know if writing a novel like that makes any beneficial impact on the world? And yet ... people decide it does. Even you admit that Wikipedia is sometimes a useful reference, so why shouldn't people support it? I think though you should surrender the illusion of omniscience - you have no more idea than I do whether the article on fan death is useful to a poor Kenyan. You guess no, but I'm thinking there must be some Kenyan kid who gets tired of the noise of a fan and could make good use of a source backing the notion to convince an otherwise inconsiderate neighbor to shut the thing off when he's asleep, so he can listen to the songs of his countryside instead. Beneath it all there's an element of faith - let people write about what they will, and somehow, the truth will out. Whatever truth is, wherever it is needed, we don't have to know, and we have some evidence that should help us believe. Wnt (talk) 18:35, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • This piece of investigative journalism is clearly beyond what can be expected of an educated volunteer working in their spare time, and we're lucky to have it. Given that subject-area knowledge is important here, it would make sense to consider partnering with some organizations that specialize in human rights and in assembling information about dictatorships and closed societies, to ensure that unofficial, non-government perspectives also appear in articles. There's quite a bit more to be said, as these problems were extensively studied during Cold War days, but it would require more research than can be fit in this brief response. --Djembayz (talk) 02:28, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, now that research has turned up the problems in Kazakhstan with people spreading false information on cell phones and causing a bank run, the Kazakh encyclopedia might be a good partner for figuring out the mechanics of basic quality control. Even though you'd need to avoid the political topics that their government finds sensitive, there could be some useful lessons learned on developing a systematic way of prioritizing and queuing articles for review, and setting up an editorial board structure. If you viewed it as an experiment in "how do we unlock articles systematically for improvement and structure editorial boards," it could certainly improve Kazakh Wikipedia. --Djembayz (talk) 03:43, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Search engines are part of the problem - If Google/Bing/etc. treated each article as if it were a stand-alone web site, the "page ranks" of most pages would plummet. True, articles about countries and hot-news topics might still rank high, but your run-of-the-mill paid-COI-editor-created company/band/bio/whatever page wouldn't break the top 10 on most search engines, so the motivation for most search-engine-optimizers to abuse Wikipedia would dry up. davidwr/(talk)/(contribs) 04:19, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Perhaps it's time to add a "Wiki-Blame" view to Wikipedia pages, where viewers can highlight a word or phrase and see when that word or phrase was first added to the page and by whom. This way news organizations could properly attribute quotations to a particular editor rather than to "Wikipedia". davidwr/(talk)/(contribs) 04:19, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • I've proposed Wikidata properties at Wikidata authority control property proposals for the three human rights organizations mentioned in this op-ed. Articles with authority control templates could get human rights reports linked automatically. Runner1928 (talk) 16:23, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Spotted a typo here: "This is all there is above the fold." Yours truly, - Mister 2001:558:1400:10:A045:BC0D:2ABF:8106 (talk) 19:07, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

  • Given anon editing, it is an arms race, and we need more tools to WP:SOFIXIT, e.g.
    • Automated SPA account flagging (including IPs)
    • IP checking for WP:COI
    • Automated tagging to alert readers, e.g.
      • Primary sources
    • Differentiate content based on trust e.g. automated (based on mix of SPA vs non-SPA), or tweak project ratings so they're visible
    • We can't embrace this systemic bias, but we can stop incentivizing paid/COI per WP:BOGOF (shameless plug). Widefox; talk 22:25, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Just a quick comment, but given the length of this piece, I would have run it as a multi-part series instead of one article in one issue of The Signpost. I commend the effort that went into creating it, but I think you'd have had a greater engagement with the audience if the length weren't so, well, long to digest in one go. Imzadi 1979  22:40, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Agree that the "Jimmy Wales has been BOUGHT and is secretly editing in pro-Kazakh propaganda" angle totally falls flat to me. The amount of power that Wikimedia wields over specific Wikipedia content is minimal at best. This is just a vanilla "not very many disinterested editors" problem. And removing anonymity would make this problem worse, not better, as it'd lead to fewer editors overall.
Also, for whatever it's worth, I'm not a huge fan of poo-pooing the alleged mountain of Soviet-esque "positive" news. To be sure, if it's truly irrelevant crap, that's bad. But to the extent that there's "ethical whitewashing", adding in a lot of (hopefully accurate) details of other issues is an effective way to minimize negative content - or to put things on more of a high road, put that content in proper context. People/institutions/corporations/governments aren't defined by their worst moments, after all. I disagree with Wikipedia:Anonymous dirt accretion method of biography writing - this has actually proved a weirdly effective method of article writing - but there's a germ of truth here; it's okay to talk about the negative as long as it is in proportion to everything else, so that an article on, say, Cuba isn't just a list of political prisoners & the like. This is just the same effect in reverse: include the long parade of boring positive stuff first, and add in the spicy negative material later. SnowFire (talk) 22:59, 13 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Dear Colleagues. Maybe it does not belong to the subject, but I would like to inform you that the Azerbaijani section of Wikipedia, the Kazakh section is like. If you can, please take part in the [[:meta:Requests for comment/Sysop abuse on the Azerbaijani Wikipedia|discussion]. It is very miserable, in gross violation of the principles of Wikipedia, but nobody does not prevent it. --Idin Mammadof 8:58, 16 October 2015‎ (UTC)
  • @Jayen466: Outside some unnecessary anti-Jimbo slant/conspiracy theories about his involvement, this is a very good, excellent even, piece of investigative journalism. It highlights a major problem (PR-like editing for political reasons by non-transparent regimes - something I have been warning about since at least late 2000s...), and a new method of whitewashing criticism (through abusing WP:UNDUE and adding tons of mostly irrelevant commentary) that should probably be discussed at talk of WP:UNDUE to see if we can provide some solutions. We certainly need to look more closely on how to deal with that. I don't think that any attempt to eliminate or reduce anonymity will succeed (dead horse...). Drawing attention to WP:COIN backlog and trying to help there is much better. I also fully support implementing reader-visible information about article quality. One suggestion I'd have is to turn the Wikipedia:Metadata gadget on for all users by default. I'd also suggest adding the page watcher numbers and some other statistics (number of editors or such) to the article, near the title. I'd note that there is a good amount of academic research which suggests various formulas for assessing Wikipedia's article quality; but the community has never paid much attention to them. It may be worthwhile to examine them (by a WMF-grant sponsored taskforce) and consider which one we should implement (and how). --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 10:45, 18 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]


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