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This week at featured content: How much wood would a Wood Duck chuck if a Wood Duck could chuck wood?

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By Crisco 1492 and Mathew Townsend
A new featured picture showing a Wood Duck in a London pond
The SMS Ostfriesland, with a zeppelin flying overhead – from the new featured article on the ship.
A Northern leopard frog, one of 12 frog species found in Michigan – from the newly featured list of amphibians of Michigan.
A new featured picture, a painting by Louis de Silvestre depicting Maria Amalia of Saxony in Polish wear.
A new featured picture, a white-washed version of the Boston Massacre. The engraving was by Paul Revere, while the coloring was by Christian Remick.

Three featured articles were promoted this week:

Four featured lists were promoted this week:

Nine featured pictures were promoted this week:

A new featured panorama of the Hammersmith Bridge in London.
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