The Signpost
Single-page Edition
6 September 2017

From the editorsWhat happened at Wikimania?
News and notes
Basselpedia; WMF Board of Trustees appointments
Featured content
Warfighters and their tools or trees and butterflies
Traffic report
A fortnight of conflicts
Special report
Biomedical content, and some thoughts on its future
Recent research
Discussion summarization; Twitter bots tracking government edits; extracting trivia from Wikipedia
In the media
Google's Ideological Echo Chamber; What makes someone successful?
WikiProject report
WikiProject YouTube
Technology report
Latest tech news
2017 WikiCup round 4 wrap-up


What happened at Wikimania?

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By Lane Rasberry
A panel discussion at Wikimania 2017... can you tell us more?

Wikimania 2017 was 9-13 August. Many people used the conference as an opportunity to participate, speak up, learn, engage, and form collaborations. The challenge following the event is to capture the momentum and meaning of it all while it is still fresh. The Signpost would like to publish all the news and updates from the event, but you and your colleagues have not yet written your articles about the event!

Will you please share what you learned at Wikimania in the form of a news story for The Signpost? Write your draft now, but feel free to submit your story anytime. As a conference which is largely volunteer organized, it takes some time to categorize all the media produced at the conference and publish all the lasting ideas which people had there. Over the next few weeks the professional videographers will be uploading the official videos of the keynote talks and some other presentations. The majority of talks either were not recorded, or were recorded by volunteers who will share the videos on their own time. Individual presenters may or may not share their slides or other materials.

Did you present at Wikimania? If so, and you want to reach an even larger audience, consider turning your talk and the discussions you had about your presentation into an article for The Signpost. Did you attend a talk at Wikimania that you found meaningful? Then please consider contacting the presenter, doing a 2-3 question follow up interview with them, then publishing your response to their presentation in The Signpost. Did you and another person have a conversation at the conference that you want to share? Again, The Signpost is a record of current thought in the Wikipedia community as we present it to each other and to the non-wiki outside world. If you can draft at least 5 sentences in the manner of a journalist and will agree to go through a traditional editorial process, then congratulations, you qualify to be a freelance writer for The Signpost.

The impact of Wikimania does not end at the in-person event. Please, everyone, ping everyone else who did anything significant at Wikimania and offer them the option to publish their project, idea, discussion, controversy, opinion, argument, conspiracy theory, rant, fan letter, or other journalistic material in The Signpost. Writers get a relevant audience, entry into the public record, and sweet community discussion.

To submit drafts or proposals, or for further information, visit the Submissions desk.

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Basselpedia; WMF Board of Trustees appointments

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By Lane Rasberry and Evad37
One of the group photos from Wikimania 2017 in Montreal

Death of Bassel and celebration of his life

Bassel, 1981-2015

Bassel Khartabil, a Palestinian Syrian open-source software developer and Wikimedia content contributor, has been confirmed as dead by his wife as of 31 July 2017. From the Wikimedia Foundation blog, "Bassel was a leader, advocate, and member of many open culture communities; he had a pivotal role in the development of the open source movement in the Arabic-speaking world. In addition to his advocacy for and contributions to Wikimedia—many of which were made anonymously—he was project lead and public affiliate for Creative Commons Syria, a friend of the Global Voices community, a free software advocate and contributor to Mozilla, the founder of Aiki Lab hackerspace in Damascus, and much more."

Bassel had been arrested on 15 March 2012 and held in detention until September 2015 when his communication was cut and the Syrian prison system ceased communication about him. The Wikimedia community and others participated in a campaign asking #WhereIsBassel. The recent announcement confirmed that Bassel was missing because he had been executed outside of any legal process for activities including his engagement with Wikipedia and similar educational projects. A close friend of Bassel's remarked to Wikipedia that Bassel continually hid his on-wiki editing history and accounts for fear of his safety, so Wikipedians cannot review his work history.

At Wikimania 2017 in Montreal an Editathon for Bassel celebrated his life. There was also a Basselpedia Party at which attendees shared what they knew of Bassel and discussed his work and the circumstances of his death. Many media outlets reported on Bassel's death. Wikipedia participants wishing to demonstrate condolences may edit the Wikipedia articles about Bassel and his work, read for news on next steps, or take action as they deem respectful in his memory. B

Board of Trustees appointments

On 11 August 2017 the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees confirmed the appointments of three community-selected trustees: María Sefidari and Dariusz Jemielniak (both reappointed), as well as James Heilman, former Trustee (controversially removed December 2015, see previous Signpost coverage). Christophe Henner and María Sefidari were reappointed as Chair and Vice Chair respectively. Terms for the community-selected Trustees last for three years. E

Brief notes

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Warfighters and their tools or trees and butterflies: take your pick of the best of Wikipedia

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By Eddie891
Wat Phra Kaew, also known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, is Thailand's primary Buddhist temple. Located within the grounds of the Grand Palace, it is technically a royal chapel, as unlike normal temples it does not include living quarters for Buddhist monks.
(created by Ninaras (via Flickr) and nominated by Paul_012)

This Signpost "Featured content" report covers material promoted from 31 July through 24 August. Text may be adapted from the respective articles and lists; see their page histories for attribution.

24 featured articles were promoted.

Banksia serrata tree at Villa Durazzo-Pallavicini, Genova Pegli
Air Marshal Sir Donald Hardman as RAAF Chief of the Air Staff
The Walt Disney World Railroad's No. 2 locomotive stopped at Fantasyland Station
Storming of the breach by Prussian grenadiers. Painting by Carl Röchling. Scene from the Battle of Leuthen
SMS Deutschland in the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal in 1912
Hurricane Andrew at peak intensity over the Bahamas on August 23
The Kaiman-class torpedo boat 69 F
Salli Richardson plays Lieutenant Kim Salisaw in Mercy Point
Sam Peckinpah, the director of The Getaway
Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, the site of the 1998 NFC Championship Game
Portrait of Louise Bryant in 1913 by John Henry Trullinger
Two models of Beringian wolves created by paleo-artists working at the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre

14 featured lists were promoted this week.

Track map of all North Indian tropical cyclones in 2015
The FA Community Shield, which the winner receives
Betty Wilson is the most recent inductee into the Australian Cricket Hall of Fame
External anatomy (topography) of a typical bird: 1 beak, 2 head, 3 iris, 4 pupil, 5 mantle, 6 lesser coverts, 7 scapulars, 8 coverts, 9 tertials, 10 rump, 11 primaries, 12 vent, 13 thigh, 14 tibio-tarsal articulation, 15 tarsus, 16 feet, 17 tibia, 18 belly, 19 flanks, 20 breast, 21 throat, 22 chin, 23 eyestripe

6 featured pictures were promoted this week.

The fishing village of Reine on the Reinefjorden in Norway
(created by Simo Räsänen and nominated by Chris Woodrich)

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A fortnight of conflicts

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By Igordebraga, OZOO, and Evad37
This traffic report is adapted from the Top 25 Report, prepared with commentary by igordebraga (August 13 to 19, 2017) and OZOO (August 20 to 26, 2017)

What do we say to Virginia Nazis? Not today! (August 13 to 19, 2017)

Godwin's Law states that any internet discussion that goes on too long will eventually have a Nazi comparison. Well, things have gotten so ugly in America that Godwin himself says there is a valid comparison to be found in the Unite the Right rally, led by white supremacists (#5) and featuring protesters carrying swastika flags and doing the Nazi salute. Understandably, anti-fascism groups (#7) appeared to counterprotest. And it all started because of a threat to remove a statue of General Robert E. Lee (#2), showing the Civil War he fought is unfortunately resonant today.

Yet, the top entry on the list has the only place that somehow is worse, the world of Game of Thrones—say what you want about the political turmoil, at least there are no zombies or dragons involved—which also takes two other spots in the top 10. Back to Earth, given the Sun continues to shine in spite of so much barbarism, people were fascinated to see it eclipsed by the Moon during the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 (#6). India is worried about deaths caused by the Blue Whale game (#3), the UK mourned Bruce Forsyth (#9), and the ever-present deaths in 2017 list came in at #10.

For the week of August 13 to 19, 2017, the 25 most popular articles on Wikipedia, as determined from the WP:5000 report were:
Rank Article Class Views Image Notes
1 Game of Thrones (season 7) c Class 1,920,254
It took a while, but Game of Thrones finally took the lead—probably helped by a foreign branch of HBO again leaking the upcoming episode. Season 7 ends this Sunday.
2 Robert E. Lee b Class 1,548,067
General Lee has been dead for nearly 150 years, but clearly still causes a huge impact in his home state of Virginia, as the threat to remove his statue in Charlottesville (pictured) led to an incident (#11) that has a deep presence in this list.
3 Blue Whale (game) c Class 1,245,842
India continues to see deaths caused by this "game", to the point they're trying to ban it. Certainly a better alternative to people following a thing that is intended to end in suicide.
4 Game of Thrones good article 1,085,929
Latest seasons of the show have been labeled by dissers as fanfic, given it is scheduled to end next year, possibly without the last two A Song of Ice and Fire books by George R. R. Martin (pictured) not having been published. But who can blame the showrunners for not waiting? The fifth novel came out in 2012, and Martin has promised to release the sixth "this year" for two years in a row.
5 Identity Evropa c Class 1,028,668 They say everything old is new again, but why the hell do we need the return of segregationism and fascism? This white supremacist group led the Unite the Right rally (#11), and showed how ugly the alt-right (#15) has become.
6 Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 b Class 860,573 The Sun was eclipsed by the Moon all across the contiguous United States, an event that made for an interesting viewing experience (thought not for me, I live in South America and have to wait two more years).
7 Antifa (United States) start Class 834,331 This anti-fascist movement counterprotested the Unite the Right rally (#11), in actions ranging from attacking the alt-right (#15) with sticks to chants of "punch a Nazi in the mouth" - a tactic that has worked since the 1940s with Captain America.
8 List of Game of Thrones episodes Featured List 704,226 See #1, #4. Only seven episodes more to go!
9 Bruce Forsyth c Class 696,615 An English artist who warranted a knighthood for his long and accomplished career spanning 75 years, most notably hosting game shows, Sir Bruce Forsyth died at the age of 89.
10 Deaths in 2017 list 686,990
The most famous death of the week followed by the ever-present tally of those who left us, quite adequate.

Mayweather v. McGregor, Moon v. Sun (August 20 to 26, 2017)

Our list topper, one way or another, is Game of Thrones, the main page for the series replacing the season 7 article, which drops to second (but see the note at the bottom). Comedian Jerry Lewis is at #3 following his death.

Eclipse content tended to dominate the list, with some surprising entries. Obviously the article for this week's eclipse (#4) makes it onto the list, and not really a surprise to see the main solar eclipse article (#8) here, and both the lists on eclipses this century and eclipses visible from the United States (#9 & #10).

Also sweeping the world up in -mania was boxing, with both Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. (#5 & #6) making good placings. Controversial Indian guru Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh (#7) was convicted of rape this week, a conviction that led to riots in which more than thirty people were killed.

For the week of August 20 to 26, 2017, the 25 most popular articles on Wikipedia, as determined from the WP:5000 report were:

Rank Article Class Views Image Notes
1 Game of Thrones good article 1,962,313
In the land of Westeros, the most popular article over on the Dothraki Wikipedia is called Double Entry. It is a fantasy drama about an accountant who never meets weird skeletal ice-monsters and has almost no one trying to kill him to take his power. In the highly-rated season finale, the hero had a nice lunch before a quiet afternoon in watching the football. Over here on the English Wikipedia, it's Game of Thrones again. The page view count here may be exaggerated (there's an unusual bump on the daily viewcounts), but the page would be on the list anyway and the show would have an article in the #1 slot regardless, since #2 is...
2 Game of Thrones (season 7) c Class 1,820,225
It would, of course, be easy, not to mention extremely lazy, to reduce this objectively popular series to "just some nonsense about dragons". But I've got 25 of these to write, so let's crack on with the dragon talk! Who are your favourite dragons? Mine are Gorwen, Y Ddraig Goch and Duncan Bannatyne.
3 Jerry Lewis c Class 1,640,879
Jerry Lewis, the American comedian, actor and singer, died on August 20 at the age of 91. He was known for his slapstick humour in film, television and radio; his partnership with Dean Martin as part of the comedy duo Martin and Lewis and a significant career of solo work. He also served as national chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Association and hosted the live Labor Day weekend broadcast of the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon for 44 years.
4 Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 start Class 1,515,648
On August 21, 2017, The Heroic Moon briefly blocked out the hideous light from the Hated Sun. The phenomenon was visible from the United States, a big country in North America. 14 states experienced totality, with the rest of the country getting at least some partial coverage. Even amongst those who couldn't make it to a viewing could have seen it in this modern world, with NASA reporting over 90 million page views on their eclipse page, breaking the previous record seven times over.
5 Conor McGregor c Class 1,324,844
Conor McGregor, the current UFC Lightweight Champion, made his professional boxing debut with a fight on August 26 against Floyd Mayweather Jr. (#6). Despite some predicting "Notorious" would be knocked out within the first two minutes, McGregor started aggressively, but faded over the course of the fight, which was eventually called in favour of Mayweather in the tenth round by technical knockout.
6 Floyd Mayweather Jr. b Class 1,301,421
Floyd Mayweather Jr., the WBC Supreme Champion, made what will likely be his professional boxing end with a fight on August 26 against Conor McGregor (#5). Mayweather defeated McGregor in the tenth round, moving him on to 50 fights unbeaten. Where he will likely stay, unless someone else offers him $200,000,000 to come out of retirement again.
7 Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh c Class 1,239,905
Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, an Indian guru who has been head of the religious social group Dera Sacha Sauda since 1990, was convicted on 25 August of two counts of rape. Following the verdict, at least thirty-six people were killed and more than three hundred injured in widespread riots throughout Northern India.
8 Solar eclipse Featured Article 1,195,758
As seen in America this week, and elsewhere throughout history. In 585 BCE an eclipse predicted by Thales of Miletus allegedly launched a peace between the warring Medes and Lydians, while in fifth year of the reign of Chinese king Zhong Kang, two astronomers were executed for their failure to predict an eclipse. So, you know, some good, some bad.
9 List of solar eclipses in the 21st century Featured List 1,042,511
Solar eclipse of July 22, 2009 pictured, with a photograph taken from Bangladesh. The next total eclipse will be on July 2, 2019, but I wouldn't expect a significant amount of coverage since the main region of totality will be over the southern Pacific Ocean, where humans are unlikely to live unless science can finally evolve us some gills.
10 List of solar eclipses visible from the United States List 1,021,067
To be honest, there is a limit to how much can be written about eclipses, and there's still two more eclipse articles to go. I could take this opportunity to tell you when the next total eclipse visible from the United States will be, but since that's one of the two eclipse articles still to come, I will maintain the tension.



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Biomedical content, and some thoughts on its future

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By T. Shafee
Co-authors for this piece are listed at
An outline of some of the interactions between Wikipedia and the broader biomedical community and knowledge ecosystem

A recent article in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health outlines the history of Wikipedia's medical content, community, collaborations and challenges. It is aimed at a non-Wikipedic audience, however it should hopefully still be an interesting read to those well-versed in the movement. Here, we outline a few points from the article, and expand a little on the relevant aspects for Wikipedians.

A little history

Wikipedia's medical content has come a long way since 2001. WikiProject Medicine is consistently one of the most active editor communities, as well as one of the longest-running (since 2004). As with the whole encyclopedia, 2007–2008 marked a major turning point. Along with the sharp drop-off in editor numbers, this year saw a large increase in citations added to articles. Since that spike, the number of references added each year seems to be generally increasing. The addition of new medical GAs and FAs has slowed a little since 2008 but are still growing at around +15 per year.

There are many external assessments of content quality, referencing, systemic biases, community structure, editor demographics and much more (as frequently reviewed in The Signpost's research report section). Sadly, most studies look at single-timepoint snapshots of Wikipedia. Although many topics are covered repeatedly over the years, the differing methodologies make it difficult to analyse how metrics have changed over time. We therefore encourage researchers to consider comparing at least a few time points. Similarly, there are currently no large-scale standardised comparisons of articles in different fields. It's a cliche to say that 'more research is needed'... but more research is needed.

Addressing challenges simultaneously

With the WMF developing their strategy through to 2030, we also dedicated some of the paper to discussing the encyclopedia's challenges and some possible ways to tackle them. These are organised into discussion of individual contributors, larger organisations, representation in society as a whole, and aspects of the software and interface. The paper focuses on biomedical content, but many of these topics are applicable to the encyclopedia as a whole.

It's no surprise that growing and maintaining a healthy editor community is vital as the encyclopedia matures from primarily content creation more towards content improvement. We need to continually improve the encyclopedia's technologies, community culture, policies, demographic diversity, public opinion, and support by outside institutions. It is our opinion that tackling diverse challenges simultaneously has a greater effect than addressing them individually. Progress in one area supports progress in the others.

The value of outside collaborations

We make the case that collaborations between Wikipedians and outside institutions/individuals are particularly effective ways of bringing new contributors to the encyclopedia. Wikipedia's community is mostly set up on the ideal of long-term editors. Such editors are certainly invaluable, but engaging potential users with other contribution styles can still be useful. Traditional outreach efforts such as workshops, editathons and competitions engage established editors. Working out ways to get productive, reliable, well-integrated contribution from new users, or even one-off users, we think that these represent some of the best ways of growing Wikipedia's community and content.

What Wikipedians can do

Collaborations require Wikipedians to be involved to provide insider knowledge. Here are a few examples of activities that the editor community can do to more broadly help out:

Go out and seek collaborators and users. Many successful collaborations have come about through the initiative of users who contacted partner organisations. Often organisations that would never have thought to be involved are excited to collaborate. These include medical schools (e.g. UCSF), institutions (e.g. Cochrane), and societies (e.g. International Society for Computational Biology). Doubtless, more examples can be discussed in the comments.
Help streamline guidelines. Wikipedia's structure makes it easier for policies to be expanded than consolidated. It's a difficult task, but we need to make sure that guidelines are as short, easy to navigate, and readable as possible. This will make it as easy as possible for partners to work out how to contribute in ways that are compatible with our policies.
Welcome new collaborators and users. Much has already been said about ensuring our culture is as welcoming as possible, but there's never any harm in reminding ourselves of its importance. We have to keep improving and updating tutorials and help material (especially with the increasing prominence of VisualEditor). Being patient with new users, assuming good faith and helping them get used to Wikipedia's norms and policies makes a big difference to their first edits. Remember that it can take months to learn. Even experienced editors can still be surprised by new policies tucked away in the labyrinth.


It is possible that successful ideas from the biomedical community can also be translated into other sections. Hopefully the academic WikiJournal format pioneered by WikiJournal of Medicine will be extended to additional journals covering broader topics (such as the WikiJournal of Science in development). Similarly, a lot can be learnt from successes in other fields, such as the GLAM-Wiki initiative. Many of the collaborative ventures require additional organisational effort. At their best, however, they engage people who would not have otherwise contributed to a Wikimedia project.

Main reference:

Further reading:

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Discussion summarization; Twitter bots tracking government edits; extracting trivia from Wikipedia

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By Baha Mansurov and Tilman Bayer

A monthly overview of recent academic research about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, also published as the Wikimedia Research Newsletter.


"Wikum: bridging discussion forums and wikis using recursive summarization"

Summary by Baha Mansurov

The paper[1] proposes a solution to the problem of information galore in online discussions by creating and testing a tool that allows editors to summarize parts of a discussion and combine these summaries into a higher level summaries until a single summary of the discussion is created. (see also the related presentation at the September 2016 Wikimedia Research Showcase)

Annual "State of Wikimedia Research" summary presentation at Wikimania

The Wikimania 2017 conference in Montreal, Canada featured the "State of Wikimedia Research 2016–2017" presentation, a quick tour of scholarship and academic research on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects from the last year (now an annual Wikimania tradition, dating back to 2009). The slides are available online. The highlighted research publications (many previously covered in this newsletter) were grouped into the following topic areas: "Gender gap in participation", "Gender gap in content", "Fake news!", "Using Wikipedia for prediction", "Syndication", "Wikipedia and the world", and "Datasets: research that enables other research".

Conferences and events

See the research events page on Meta for upcoming conferences and events, including submission deadlines.

Other recent publications

Other recent publications that could not be covered in time for this issue include the items listed below. contributions are always welcome for reviewing or summarizing newly published research.

Compiled by Tilman Bayer


  1. ^ Zhang, Amy X.; Verou, Lea; Karger, David (2017). Wikum: bridging discussion forums and wikis using recursive summarization. CSCW '17. New York, NY, USA: ACM. pp. 2082–2096. doi:10.1145/2998181.2998235. ISBN 9781450343350. Closed access icon
  2. ^ Ard, BJ (May 1, 2016). "Beyond neutrality: how zero rating can (sometimes) advance user choice, innovation, and democratic participation". Maryland Law Review. 75 (4): 984. ISSN 0025-4282.
  3. ^ Tsurel, David; Pelleg, Dan; Guy, Ido; Shahaf, Dafna (December 12, 2016). "Fun facts: automatic trivia fact extraction from Wikipedia". arXiv:1612.03896. (preprint), published version: Closed access icon, author's copy:
  4. ^ Oliveira, João Marcos de; Gloor, Peter A. (2016). "The citizen IS the journalist: automatically extracting news from the swarm". In Matthäus P. Zylka; Hauke Fuehres; Andrea Fronzetti Colladon; Peter A. Gloor (eds.). Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer International Publishing. pp. 141–150. ISBN 9783319426969. Closed access icon
  5. ^ Nestler, Steffen; Leckelt, Marius; Back, Mitja D.; Beck, Ina von der; Cress, Ulrike; Oeberst, Aileen (July 1, 2017). "Produktion von naturwissenschaftlichen Informationen im Internet am Beispiel von Wikipedia". Psychologische Rundschau. 68 (3): 172–176. doi:10.1026/0033-3042/a000360. ISSN 0033-3042. Retrieved 2017-07-29. Closed access icon
  6. ^ Sahut, Gilles (January 6, 2017). "Construire une encyclopédie avec un wiki ? Regards rétrospectifs sur la politique éditoriale de Wikipédia". I2D – Information, données & documents. me 53 (4): 68–77. ISSN 0012-4508. Closed access icon
  7. ^ Martin, Brian (2017). "Persistent Bias on Wikipedia. Methods and Responses". Social Science Computer Review. Closed access icon Author's copy
  8. ^ Frahm, Klaus M.; Zant, Samer El; Jaffrès-Runser, Katia; Shepelyansky, Dima L. (December 23, 2016). "Multi-cultural Wikipedia mining of geopolitics interactions leveraging reduced Google matrix analysis". arXiv:1612.07920. (preprint), published version: Closed access icon
  9. ^ Mousselly-Sergieh, Hatem; Gurevych, Iryna (2016). "Enriching Wikidata with frame semantics". Semantic Scholar.
  10. ^ Putzke, Johannes; Takeda, Hideaki (January 23, 2017). "Explizite Neutralität in Wählernetzwerken – Eine Analyse der Requests for Adminship (RfAs) in Wikipedia". Wirtschaftsinformatik 2017 Proceedings.Closed access icon
  11. ^ Ford, Heather; Dubois, Elizabeth; Puschmann, Cornelius (October 12, 2016). "Keeping Ottawa honest—one tweet at a time? Politicians, journalists, Wikipedians and their Twitter bots". International Journal of Communication. 10 (0): 24. ISSN 1932-8036.

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Google's Ideological Echo Chamber; What makes someone successful?

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By Eddie891

Google's Ideological Echo Chamber

The controversial memo Google's Ideological Echo Chamber was published on August 5, 2017. Due to the since-fired James Damore's referencing of certain Wikipedia pages, those pages are becoming hot spots of edit warring and massive restructuring.

In the 10-page memo, Danmore wrote that "personality differences" between men and women such as women having a "lower stress tolerance" are the reason that there are fewer women than men in leadership and engineering roles at the company. In making his conclusions, Danmore cited the Wikipedia pages Neuroticism, Sex differences in psychology, Empathizing–systemizing theory, and others.

Motherboard reported on the uptick in edits and page views on Neuroticism in particular, saying that "the article has received more than six times the amount of pageviews as it does on average—topping out at 15,574 pageviews yesterday. Between yesterday and now, the page has been revised 27 times, compared to its average of 4.2 edits per month." Discussions on the talk page have been occurring rapidly, with the size of the page almost becoming six times larger in August of 2017, and the page itself received 157 edits in August, compared to two in July.

After the Google Memo was released, edits (first panel), the size of the talk page (second panel), and the page views (third panel) of Neuroticism drastically increased.

What makes someone successful?

Seth Stevens-Davidowitz is a former Google data scientist who, as Business Insider reported on August 6, 2017, thinks he has found what it takes to become successful (the mark of being successful being, having a Wikipedia page). Stevens believes that at long last he has found the answer. Grow up near a big college town that is diverse and somewhat urban.

In order to perform this study, Stevens took 150,000 articles about Americans (limited to baby boomers). He took their county of birth, date of birth, occupation, and gender. Stevens found that "30% of people found success through arts and entertainment, 29% through sports, 9% through politics, and 3% through science or academia." He also learnt that geography plays a large role in Wikipedia page prevalence (WPP). Baby boomers born in California had a one in 1,209 rate of WPP, compared to West Virginia, with a WPP of one in 4,496. At a more local level, Stevens found a WPP of one in 748 in Suffolk County. Growing up near "large, semi-urban college towns" placed the counties containing Madison, Wisconsin; Berkeley, California; Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and Ithaca, New York (home to University of Wisconsin–Madison; University of California, Berkeley; UNC Chapel Hill; and Cornell respectively) in the top 3% of counties ranked by WPP. Stevens wrote "The greater the percentage of foreign-born residents in an area, the higher the proportion of children born there who go on to notable success," The effect was very prominent, so prominent, in fact that among two college towns, both of around the same size, "the one with more immigrants will produce more prominent Americans." Stevens also writes that "Perhaps this effort to zoom in on the places where hundreds of thousands of the most famous Americans were born can give us some initial strategies, encouraging immigration, subsidizing universities, and supporting the arts, among them."

In brief

Do you want to contribute to "In the media" by writing a story or even just an "in brief" item? Edit the next edition in the Newsroom or contact the editor.

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New to you: WikiProject YouTube

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By Megalibrarygirl

WikiProject YouTube

YouTube FanFest Korea 2015 in Sinhyeonhuiwagimnuteu

YouTube may be more than 12 years old, but as a WikiProject, it’s still a newbie on the English and Simple English Wikipedia. Jamesjpk talked to the Signpost about how he got started in this new project, issues that they face and told us a little about the Simple English version!

WikiProject YouTube was first proposed by DerryAdama in April of 2015.[1] The project was started up nearly a year later in 2016.[2] One of the active users is Jamesjpk who also works on the Simple English YouTube project.[3] Jamesjpk became involved with the English Wikiproject while working on a draft for a YouTuber, Aphmau. While working on the project he went looking for projects to place on the talk page. James found the proposed, but abandoned project and began working on it. He also created the Simple English project, although with Simple English Wikipedia, articles cannot be tagged with WikiProjects on the talk page, as all WikiProjects are still unofficial.

Working with YouTube articles presents a unique challenge. Even though it’s a huge video platform in which 5 billion videos are watched every day through YouTube,[4] it can be difficult to show notability for individual YouTubers. Jamesjpk has estimated that 75% of all articles started about YouTube personalities have been deleted from Wikipedia. Editors writing these bios often fail to adequately source the bios with independent, reliable sources. Jamesjpk and other members of WikiProject YouTube want to see articles with better sourcing, less detail about YouTuber’s personal lives and a greater emphasis on their work as videographers or personalities online. He emphasizes to writers to “Explain why the YouTuber is notable!” The fact that a YouTuber might be reaching a large audience as shown by their subscriber numbers, downloads or other milestones is difficult to source outside of YouTube itself also makes it difficult to write about personalities on Wikipedia.

Another challenge is writing neutrally about controversial YouTubers and getting access to media for illustration purposes. Jamesjpk says that most YouTubers won’t answer inquiries for picture rights and most YouTube videos are licensed under the YouTube Standard License, or “all rights reserved makes it difficult to obtain media for Wikimedia Commons. “For the time being,” he says, “I’m not sure how our group would address this issue, as it is a hard one to crack.”


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Latest tech news

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By Evad37

Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community: 2017 #35 & #36. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available on Meta.

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2017 WikiCup round 4 wrap-up

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By Eddie891, Cwmhiraeth

Round 4 of the WikiCup has ended and we move forward into the final round. In round 4, a total of 12 FAs, 3 FLs, 44 GAs, 79 DYKs, 1 ITN and 42 GARs was achieved, with no FPs or FTs this time. Congratulations to Peacemaker67 on the Royal Yugoslav Navy Good Topic of 36 items, and the 12 featured articles achieved by Cas Liber (5), Vanamonde93 (3), Peacemaker67 (2), Adityavagarwal (1) and 12george1 (1). With a FA scoring 200 points, and bonus points available on top of this, FAs are likely to feature heavily in the final round. Meanwhile Yellow Evan, a typhoon specialist, was contributing 12 DYKs and 10 GAs, while Adityavagarwal and Freikorp topped the GAR list with 8 reviews each. As we enter the final round, we are down to eight contestants, and we would like to thank those of you who have been eliminated for the useful contributions you have made to the Cup and Wikipedia. The lowest score needed to reach round 5 was 305, and I think we can expect a highly competitive final round.


Peacemaker67, scored big, with a 36 article good topic, "Ships of the Royal Yugoslav Navy." The topic is comprised of Dalmacija, Kumbor, Dubrovnik, Beograd-class destroyer, Beograd, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Nada, Beli Orao, Galeb-class minelayer, Malinska-class minelayer, Schichau-class minesweeper, 250t-class torpedo boat, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, Kaiman-class torpedo boat, Uskok-class torpedo boat, Orjen-class torpedo boat, Zmaj, Hrabri-class submarine, Hrabri, Nebojša, Osvetnik-class submarine, Osvetnik, Smeli, Vardar, Sava, Drava, and Morava

Five users accounted for the twelve featured articles promoted this round. Cas Liber accounted for five of those, receiving points on Green rosella, Grevillea juniperina, Banksia sceptrum, Black stork, and Red-billed quelea. Vanamonde93 received three: Starship Troopers, A Wizard of Earthsea, and Steve Biko. The last four were promoted by three different users. Yugoslav torpedo boat T5, and Kaiman-class torpedo boat were the result of Peacemaker67's diligent ship article building, and the last two articles, Hurricane Andrew, and Black stork went to 12george1 and Adityavagarwal, respectively.


Yellow Evan led both the Good Articles and DYKs, with ten and thirteen respectively. His ten Good articles centered around typhoons: Typhoon Dinah (1987), Typhoon Cary (1987), Typhoon Kelly (1987)Typhoon Vera (1986), Typhoon Abby (1986), Typhoon Agnes (1984), Typhoon Phyllis (1975)Typhoon Kim (1980), Typhoon June (1984), and Typhoon Rita (1975); as did his DYKs: Typhoon Agnes (1984), Typhoon Joe (1980)Typhoon Kim (1980)Typhoon Betty (1980)Tropical Storm Winona (1990)Typhoon Zola (1990), Typhoon Phyllis (1975)Typhoon Rita (1975), Typhoon Hattie (1990), Typhoon Gene (1990)Typhoon Caitlin (1991), Typhoon Hattie (1990), and Typhoon Page (1990)

Good article reviews

Users Adityavagarwal and Freikorp had the most GARs, each with eight.

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By Barbara Page

No bots were harmed in the writing of this article.

There are a startling 1,862 bots at large on Wikipedia.[2] If the world has any fear of AI, then the robo-cide should probably begin here. There is suspicion that a few of these bots are included in the count of the 5,000 most active editors. It's uncertain whether this is true or not, but it does make you wonder – who are they and what do they do? (In plain English, please.) Scripts are somewhat comprehensible, HTML makes sense – bot but why so many? Do they ever have their own bot-like edit-wars? Has a bot ever become a sock of another bot? Who needs administrators or ArbCom when bots could do the same things (without mercy)? Many bots possess human qualities and foibles. Short descriptions of the most interesting ones include:

The KISS script in an intimate moment
Many bots 'wanna' retire to southern Africa

Snide remarks and dubious addenda

  1. ^ attributed to Baby Sinclair from the TV series Dinosaurs
  2. ^
  3. ^ this should be assessed by ProjMed
  4. ^ of course they did, they own Wikimedia, too.
  5. ^ the ball is black and white
  6. ^ involves broken bones and a sled
  7. ^ the balls are red and white
  8. ^ the ball is brown
  9. ^ Wang, T.; Collet, J.-P.; Shapiro, S.; Ware, M. A. (2008). "Adverse effects of medical cannabinoids: A systematic review". Canadian Medical Association Journal. 178 (13): 1669–78. doi:10.1503/cmaj.071178. PMC 2413308. PMID 18559804.
  10. ^ Cannabis. "Erowid Cannabis (Marijuana) Vault : Effects". Retrieved 17 February 2011.[not a WP:MEDRS citation]

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