The Signpost

From the editorHanami
It's an ecstasy, my spring.
Talking about governments editing Wikipedia
Let them know what you think!
News and notes
Deeper look at takedowns targeting Wikipedia
Read this, then forget all about it.
In the media
The good, the bad, and the unusual
Life on the Wiki as usual!
Recent research
Explaining the disappointing history of Flagged Revisions; and what's the impact of ChatGPT on Wikipedia so far?
And WMF invites multi-year research fund proposals
Traffic report
All the world's a stage, we are merely players...
The Oscars, politics, and death elbow for the most attention.
WikiPortraits rule!
The photographers are the celebrities!
Unusual biographical images
And very unusual biographical images.
Rest in peace
Send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.


The Signpost · written by many · served by Sinepost V0.9 · 🄯 CC-BY-SA 4.0